Omeka – Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom Logo

Context: In 2013, I held a position as an Omeka theme developer for the Carolina Digital Library and Archives. Omeka is a web platform, sort of similar to WordPress, that is primarily used by libraries and museums in order to display their collections in an online format. “A Right to Speak and to Hear,” was a physical exhibit on display at Wilson Library at UNC-Chapel Hill. In addition to the physical exhibit, the client requested that I use Omeka to build them a custom website to match.

Skills and Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator IconCSS Icon HTML IconPHP icon subversion icon

Challenges: Academic Freedom was the first of the pilot projects for Omeka and it brought a lot of learning challenges with it. In particular, chronicling and displaying the items in the collection proved difficult. It took a lot of communication with a very patient client in order to determine what the platform was capable of.

Process: With the Academic Freedom project, I worked closely with the client to determine what they needed and regularly reported on what I found to be possible with the Omeka platform. The University Library Systems group requested that I use a subversion repository to keep track of my code. Occasionally, I used Adobe Illustrator to make graphics (for example, the banner) for the website.


Note: The University Library Systems group has updated the version of Omeka that they use; due to this, the current live website no longer looks as it did when I initially developed it. However, I have screenshots of the site as it was when I originally finished it below: